
↠ "Leo"↠ Jack of all trades
↠ Occasional Devil Hunter
↠ Quarter demon, 3/4's human
↠ Son of Dante
↠ Capulet City↠ Written by John (#GhostsOfJohn)
↠ Face claim: Snow Villiers - Final Fantasy XIII

↠ Leonidas
↠ Leo | Leon
↠ Jack of all Trades | Mechanic | Contractor | Various odd jobs
↠ Devil Hunter | Part time
↠ Quarter demon, 3/4's human
↠ Son of Dante
↠ Capulet City↠ Male
↠ 16 (Devil May Cry 5)
↠ 28 (main timeline)
↠ 32 (future timeline)
↠ 6'7" (200.66 cm)↠ Silvery white
↠ Blue
↠ medium length
↠ Dominant Hand: Right
↠ Weapons of choice: Guns
--↠ Leo's present and main timeline is approximately twelve years after the events of Devil May Cry 5, however, there is another timeline considered his "future timeline" sixteen years after the events of the game. In that timeline, he is aware of and works with both Night and Cassius.↠ Leo will only make mention of Night or Cassius if something comes up during a thread.

Leon is character I created around the same time I made my OC Cassius, I just never used him in anything but my own little personal projects that never saw the light of day.Designed initially to be the son of Vergil, I changed his character around over the years and felt he was more fitting for Dante, a decision further augmented when Nero was confirmed as Vergil's son.

Though Leonidas is his full name, he tends to use Leo himself, finding his full name to be a bit of a mouthful. Some do refer to him as Leon instead but it's not a name he actively uses to introduce himself.Leo was born to a rather ritzy and well known/well off showgirl in Capulet City after a one night stand with Dante while the hunter was in town for a job.Roughly a week after Dante's departure, Leo's mother found out she was pregnant, but she was unable to locate him and never saw the man again, giving up the search shortly after Leo was born.Despite always being told about his father, Leo never met Dante and never once sought him out, deciding that if he was meant to meet him then it would happen.Growing up he became a bit of a mascot for his mother and the other showgirls, always hanging out backstage with them, being doted on and regaled with tales about how much he looked like his father, though he was unaware of what Dante even looked like and didn't put much stock in what was said.He spent the majority of his life like this, taking to reading or playing video games backstage while the girls worked, only taking an interest in the world of devil hunting when someone gave him a photograph of his mother and Dante on the night they met.At fourteen, his mother came down with a rather serious illness that progressed suddenly and rapidly. She was hospitalized within days of contracting it, but as a result of complications that arose from the sudden onset, she died shortly after admission to the hospital.Leo's wealthy grandmother took him in after his mothers death, but she took a very hands off approach with him, leaving Leo to his own devices more often than not, something that prompted Leo to take his leave on his eighteenth birthday.Leo has been on the road ever since, taking on odd jobs and travelling the world just to say he's been there.To this day he has not once sought Dante out, even though he has dabbled in the world of devil hunting out of respect for him.In terms of his ability to hunt, he is rather proficient in combat, but he relies purely on his brute strength or a gun. He's never touched a sword in his life.

John Doe

No, John is not my "real" name, but it's the name I prefer to use here. I do not enjoy my "legal birth name" so if you know it, please refrain from calling me it unless I've told you it's okay.My preferred name outside of online is strictly for business and it's something I give to people I trust.No preferred pronouns; refer to me however you wish, I will respond to all of them.MORE INFO ON MUN CARRD.


↠ Caught up with present events in the series.↠ I will be taking a few creative liberties with my muses at times, but I will do my utmost to remain as true to the characters as possible!
↠ AUs for the accounts, if applicable, are listed in their respective carrds/pinned tweets
↠ Literate and descriptive (most of the time)
↠ Crack and Serious threads
↠ Will often mirror your replies, but do not feel like you have to match my length at all times. I just want to see some effort!
↠ Mature 21+ for occasional NSFW content including but not limited to" violence, language, lewd and other potentially triggering themes.↠ Multi-Verse (MV) and Multi-Ship (MS) - highly selective with ships - ships will only be done with chemistry, even if I know you from another verse.↠ Open to most crossovers, original characters and AU's but I would like to be able to read some information before we interact!MORE GUIDES ON MUN CARRD--Please DO:↠ Feel free to tag me any time! I may not always see it/respond right away, but I try to reply to stuff as much as I can.↠ Give me information about your AU/Original character to read. I do not live in your head.↠ Ask me if you're not sure about something, even if it's about something ooc. I'm not going to bite you.↠ Understand I work full time so my time/energy is going to be very limited sometimes.--Please do NOT:↠ Follow me expecting to ship/write nsfw lewd; even if we know each other from other verses.↠ Attempt to force ships/unwelcome content on me.↠ Force your headcanons on my portrayal; just because we write the same muse does not mean they have to be EXACTLY the same. This goes for people that expect me to write my portrayal according to how they view the character even if you don't write the same muse as I do.↠ Control my muse ("God mod").↠ If you are under the age of 18, do not interact with my nsfw lewd tweets.--I do NOT:↠ Ship with minors/minor muses.↠ Some ships do make me uncomfortable and as such I will generally not write them just as there are some I'm not entirely sure about. I would have to explore with the right person.


↠ Leo's name "Leonidas" came from his mother's love of the ancient city of Sparta and the king of the same name that ruled the Spartan empire↠ Though he wanders most of the time, Leo still technically lives with his grandmother in Capulet City and as such, he sends some of his earnings back to her for his "rent"↠ Despite his inheritance from his mother, Leo scarcely touches the money, leaving it to collect interest in his savings account and living off the money he earns from working

↠ Leo can drive a variety of vehicles, but he chooses a motorcycle or a five ton truck over most others↠ Despite his prowess as a devil hunter and his own demonic abilities, Leo is actually afraid of heights↠ Even though Leo's grandmother is very wealthy, he himself inherited a rather sizable estate from his mother upon her passing

↠ Machine gun

↠ Semiautomatic rifle

↠ Polearm like weapon created from concentrated demonic power once his power has been awakened

↠ Devil Trigger appearance

Superhuman Strength: Much like Dante and the others, he possesses incredible raw physical strength even while in human form. He is able to easily shatter stone, overpower demons much larger and more imposing than himself and lift objects or beings far greater in weight without showing much strain. His superhuman strength, endurance and resistance to injury shows that his physical condition is much tougher and more efficient than that of even most of the powerful demons, allowing him to exert his supernaturally enhanced muscle power to vast proportions without fear of injury or fatigue, much like Dante.Superhuman Speed: Leo is super-humanly fast without the use of teleportation. His reflexes allow him to dodge dodge things such as speeding bullets, oncoming attacks from demons and even speeding vehicles (shoot them out of the air, catch them with his teeth, etc).Superhuman Agility: Leo is extremely agile as well; able to jump to great heights or even balance himself on precarious objects or thin wires and run up vertical walls. Additionally he can perform incredible acrobatics even in midair.Superhuman Stamina: Hours long missions with constant fighting, no rest, food, or water and shows no fatigue are things Leo is very accustomed to as a wanderer.Superhuman Durability: Leo's durability allows him to recover almost immediately from wounds that would either disable or kill a normal human being or even a demon demon, such as being impaled through the chest or shot in the head. He is also capable of withstanding Hellfire and lightning strikes with no signs of injury.Accelerated Healing: Much like Dante, Leo's body can heal even the most serious of wounds almost immediately depending on the severity.Telekinesis: Leo does have some measure of demonstrable telekinetic abilities, capable of manipulating both people and objects with enough focus.Skilled Hand-to-Hand CombatantSwordsmanshipMarksmanshipKeen Intellect: Leo's analytical skills put his intelligence to be above average, though doesn't always appear to be very sharp.Devil Trigger: As with the others of his kind, due to his demonic heritage, Leo can release his demonic power through his Devil Trigger. This allows him to shift from his human form to his demonic form, enhancing his already superior physical capabilities significantly and granting him the ability to fly. It bares a resemblance to Dante's Dreadnaught form.Demonic Power Crystallization: Leo can form weapons by concentrating vast amounts of demonic power into a solid, crystalline formation. This acts as a sort of Devil Arm for him and the power is easily reabsorbed upon the destruction of the weapon to limit the strain on his body.